
In various spiritual and cleansing rituals, particularly in Native American and other indigenous cultures, feathers are used to waft the smoke from burning herbs like sage, cedar, or sweetgrass into the area or around a person that is being cleansed. The feather is believed to help direct the sacred smoke and enhance the purification process. The wooden plate may serve as a holder for the smudging materials or the feather itself when not in use.

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🧡 Stress relief the natural way. Burn your problems away with an ancient aromatherapy ritual.

Provenciana provides a variety of sustainable smudging methods. A feather is traditionally used across cultures to air the lit smudge stick or incense and spread the smoke. Today it can be a powerful tool to augment your meditation and smudging sessions, as well as a grounding item for your daily rituals. We use feathers from domesticated black turkeys because we do not support the hunting and disruption of wild and rare birds. Please don’t use rare feathers unless you know it came from a trusted source in the community!

✅ Ethically and sustainably sourced
✅ Valuable accessory for smudging and rituals
1️⃣ 5-6 inches / 12-16cm
2️⃣ 10-12 inches / 23-26 cm

⭐ Message us for feedback/inquiries/how-to so we can improve your experience 😉

Provenciana Founder, Ces Oreña-Drilon:
“I started Provenciana out of an intense desire to tap Mother Nature’s gifts in order to heal and nurture the body and soul. Provenciana is rooted in the belief that the life essence of plants, especially those endemic to the Philippines, cultivates us.”

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Smudging Feather from Black Turkey (Smudge Stick Use, Sage and Palo Santo Items, Incense Tools)
PHP 69
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